Measuring Yourself in An Organization - The GYRO Way Gyro is a device used for measuring changes in direction. Leaving that aside, GYRO here simply means Green, Yellow, Red and Orange. If Management is Y-Axis, and Employee is X-Axis, what this GYRO graph explains us is the matter for the discussion in this article. As you are aware, every axis has the +, the positive side and -, the negative side. So the Management has positive and negative sides, and so does every Employee. GREEN box covers the coordinates of positive X and Y axes. Management is positive about the Employee and the Employee is positive about the Management. Perfect harmony, ideal and preferred condition to exist. In this scenario, Employee has an opportunity to prove, he or she has proved and the Management is happy about this performance. Employee thinks that Management has given the right opportunity, exposure and compensation. YELLOW box covers the coordinates of negative Y and positive X axes. Management is nega...