"They got someone's password, and sent an email to our CFO, who sent the $40,000 wire transfer."
Let me share the latest stock market fraud going around the country. The terms you will be hearing are: Institutional Trading Block Deals AI Algorithms, and Confirmed IPO allocations Modus Operandi You will be searching for some Stock Market resources on the Social Media Websites Advertisement lures you with 10x to 30x returns Invitation comes to join a WhatsApp or Telegram Group You will find several people posting their trade screenshots Each one of these screenshots shows 30%-50% gains An 'expert' will help you with formalities to open an account You have to invest anything from 1 - 10 lakhs (1 million) You will deposit the money into various bank accounts (why?) as advised by the expert You will get an advice to ' buy ' a stock when they say You will get an advice to ' sell ' a stock when they say You can't sell a stock whenever you want. The sell button is disabled. First few days, you will be getting 20-30% returns You are then pushed by the a...