Measuring Yourself in An Organization - The GYRO Way

Gyro is a device used for measuring changes in direction. Leaving that aside, GYRO here simply means Green, Yellow, Red and Orange. If Management is Y-Axis, and Employee is X-Axis, what this GYRO graph explains us is the matter for the discussion in this article.
As you are aware, every axis has the +, the positive side and -, the negative side. So the Management has positive and negative sides, and so does every Employee.
GREEN box covers the coordinates of positive X and Y axes. Management is positive about the Employee and the Employee is positive about the Management. Perfect harmony, ideal and preferred condition to exist.
In this scenario, Employee has an opportunity to prove, he or she has proved and the Management is happy about this performance. Employee thinks that Management has given the right opportunity, exposure and compensation.
YELLOW box covers the coordinates of negative Y and positive X axes. Management is negative about the Employee, but the Employee is positive about the Management.
In this scenario, Management thinks that it has provided adequate opportunity, exposure, training and standard compensation, but the Employee is still not proving himself/herself. Employee is neither aware of Management’s view nor he/she ignores the fact and is still positive about the Management.
RED box covers the coordinates of negative X and Y axes. Management is negative about the Employee. Employee is negative about the Management.
In this scenario, Management thinks that it has provided adequate opportunity, exposure, training and standard compensation, but the Employee is still not proving himself/herself. Employee thinks the opposite and hence is negative about the Management.
ORANGE box covers the coordinates of positive Y and negative X axes. Management is positive about the Employee, but the Employee is negative about the Management.
In this scenario, Management thinks that it has provided sufficient opportunities for the Employee to prove him or herself. Employee thinks that he has failed in the opportunity, or he/she was not provided adequate exposure, training or support to prove or he/she is not compensated well.
Employees of all the companies in the world fall under one of these categories. And every Management of the companies in the world falls under one of these categories. Of course, new Employees, who have just joined and haven’t got an opportunity to prove; and the Management is neutral can be classified out of this. May be we can place them in a Blue box and bring them under one of these categories as they progress later.
What is the key challenge for every Employee is to remain in the Green box. The key challenge for every Management is to remain in the Green box. This continued presence in the Green box is often challenging and sometimes seems impossible. However, a true two-way communication between an Employee and the Management can make things easier. A successful organization has majority of the people in the Green box.
People in Red box should leave their jobs. They should look for better opportunities. Being in the Red box is harmful for their individual careers as well as for the welfare of the organization. Management should quickly react and give golden handshakes to those Employees who have reached the Red box. They might have been in the Green boxes in the past. But as of now, their status is Red.
People in the Orange box should list down their concerns and grievances and interact with the Management either directly or through the human resources department and should work hard to get back into the Green box. The threat of going to the Red box means losing the job. On the Management’s part they have to reiterate their positive attitude towards such Employees and help them to come out of the Orange box. They may have to provide necessary tools, support, and guidance or may be a package revision if they think that is the reason for his or her being in the Orange box.
People in the Yellow box are primarily due to the fact that in spite of them being positive, Management is negative towards them. This is a dangerous situation to be in. Why because, the Employees are happy about what they are doing, but the Management is not positive about them. Management should invite such people individually and convey them in unequivocal terms that why they are unhappy about the Employee and what they expect from him or her. On the Employee’s part, he or she has to seek constant feedback from the Management to self-assure that he or she is in the Green box and not dropping to the Yellow box. Leaving open ends will push the Employee from the Yellow box to Red box, though they have the potential to prove.
In other words, success of an organization relies on happy Management and happy Employees. Employees need to make sure that they are happy with the Management and make all attempts to eliminate anything that could possibly make them unhappy. Management in return has to provide right opportunities, tools, support, guidance and compensation to ensure their Employees are happy.
In summary, keep measuring yourselves, in the GYRO way. And keep the environment GREEN.
~Mohan Krishnamurthy